From Director

From Director







トーナメントディレクター 山崎 章


It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to the 17th Hyogo International Junior Tournament.
This tournament has been a gateway to success for a number of tennis players; obtaining ranking points here has opened the door to the world of professional tennis for so many junior players.  Many of the wonderful performances that Japanese players have made on the global stage since last year are still fresh in our memories. I am praying that the junior players who are participating will also become successful worldwide after this tournament.
To the companies and organaizations who are supporting this tournament, I would like to give my sincere gratitude for your cooperation and I would appreciate your continuous support.
To the junior players,  as you know, there are  many people who are supporting this tournament for you and looking forward to your dreams coming ture.   Your positive attitude toward tennis moves us to want to further support you, which will surely help you realize your dreams.  I wish you the best of luck.

Akira Yamasaki
Tournament director